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Alphabetically sorted list of all german-specific functions

(accented_token_following token)
TOKEN must be parent in Token relation returns 1 if feature 'pitchaccent is specified on a following token in the same intonation phrase, 0 else ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_skconcepts.scm)

(add_intevent_times utt)
This function adds timing information to the intonation events of the utterance. Useful to display intonation within fringe. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_debugtools.scm)

(add_segment_times_integer utt)
(add_token_times utt) This function adds arbitrary integer timing information to the segments of the utterance. Useful to display utterances without timing information in fringe. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_debugtools.scm)

(add_token_times_integer utt)
(add_token_times utt) This function adds arbitrary integer timing information to the intonation events of the utterance. Useful to display utterances without timing information in fringe. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_debugtools.scm)

No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_skconcepts.scm)

(assign_default_accents utt)
No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_skconcepts.scm)

(assign_focus word)
assign feature 'focus to WORD ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_ling_preproc.scm)

(basevoice_german_mbrola mbrola_db topbaseline)
Set up a basic German MBROLA voice with database mbrola_db. Topline and Baseline are given by the topbaseline ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_voices.scm) ``() Set up a basic German MBROLA voice with database mbrola_db. Topline and Baseline are given by the topbaseline ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_voices_att.scm)

(basevoice_german_mbrola_os mbrola_db topbaseline)
(basevoice_german_mbrola mbrola_db topbaseline) Set up a basic German MBROLA voice with database mbrola_db. Topline and Baseline are given by the topbaseline ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_voices_opensource.scm)

(block_boundaries_for_heads utt)
prevent boundaries after heads by setting break_type feature of associated word to 'blocked all heads are contained in the variable list_of_syntactial_heads ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_skconcepts.scm)

(cart2html baum filename)
prints CART-tree BAUM in HTML-Bookmarks format in file FILENAME You can load the resulting file as a Netscape-Bookmarks file to have a nice view of what wagon produced ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_debugtools.scm)

(complete_np utt)
introduces new daughters for NP relation ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_ling_preproc.scm)

(connect_node token pnode)
connects a token relation node of an utterance with the corresponding flat parse's node, the tokens as daughters ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_useparser.scm)

(Connect_Parse_Results utt parse)
Connects the nodes in UTT's flat PARSE relation as parent nodes to UTT's Token relation ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_useparser.scm)

(cons? x)
Checks, whether ``x'' is an atom (-> f) or (-> t). ($ \rightarrow $ ims_siodfuncs.scm)

(convert_word_umlauts utt)
(convert_umlauts utt) converts the umlauts to ae,ue... Variant ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_debugtools.scm)

(create_string_of_length length)
Creates a string of blanks with the length LENGTH. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_debugtools.scm)

(depth_of_embedding node)
No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_skconcepts.scm)

(difference list1 list2)
returns all items of LIST1 which are not contained in LIST2 or equal LIST2. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_skconcepts.scm)

(distance_to_last_big_break word)
returns number of words from last big break to this word, 0 if there's a break before word or if it's the first word in the utterance ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_ling_preproc.scm)

(distance_to_last_break syl)
computes distance (in syllables) to last break for SYL ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_useparser.scm)

(distance_to_last_break word)
returns number of words from last break to this word, 0 if there's a break before word or if it's the first word in the utterance ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_ling_preproc.scm)

(distance_to_last_endtone syl)
returns number of syllables from last endtone to this syllable, 0 if there's an endtone on syl or if it's the first item in the utterance ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_tobi_rules.scm)

(distance_to_next_punc word)
No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_ling_preproc.scm)

(ending_synt_cats syl)
returns the number of all (true) syntactical categories ending after SYL's word, ignoring false ones (which began just before it) (Thus a negative number shows the number of categories beginning before that word) ##.. cat1 true_end - true_beg ##.. / \{} for W0: 0 cat1 $ \rightarrow $ -1 ##.. / \{} ##.. cat2 cat3 for W1: 0 cat3 $ \rightarrow $ -1 ##.. | / \{} ##.. cat4 / \{} for W2: cat1,cat3 0 $ \rightarrow $ 2 ##.. | cat5 cat6 ##.. | | | ##.. W0 W1 W2

in other words: [[[w0]] [[w1] [w2]]] ...returns closing braces after word minus opening braces before Word

($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_useparser.scm)

(end_of_sentence word)
returns 1, if punctuation after word signals end of sentence (that is if one of these punctuation marks follows: .;:?! ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_ling_preproc.scm)

(Enumerations utt)
assigns a feature 'enumeration: '+, if word is part of an enumeration, 'last, if word is last part of an enumeration ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_ling_preproc.scm)

(extract_feats relname feats utt outfile)
(extract_feats relname feats utt outfd) Extract the features and write them to the file descriptor (taken from dumpfeats. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_debugtools.scm)

(filecontents_to_string filename)
Reads the contents of file FILENAME and returns them as a string. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_debugtools.scm)

(find_deepest_element_in_list listitems)
No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_skconcepts.scm)

(find_item name item)
traverses ITEM's relation starting with ITEM from left to right until it finds an item named NAME. This item is returned. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_debugtools.scm)

(Find_NPs utt)
Generate new relation 'NP. Parent nodes represent NPs within utt. Daughters are lexical items within these NPs. Feature 'weight on parents counts the number of daughters, excluding articles.

This function doesn't reliably find all NPs within an utt, typically, it finds more, since it doesn't recognize complex NPs e.g. NPs modified by relative clauses, genetive NPs or PPs. Short NPs consisting only of a noun and immediately following another NP are analyzed as part of the preceding NP. The function is needed to predict phrase breaks, which are typically inserted after NPs, although they can also occur within complex NPs before NP-internal constituents, so the problems mentioned above are less crucial. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_ling_preproc.scm)

(first x)
Returns the first element from ``x''. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_siodfuncs.scm)

(first_node node)
t if NODE has no previous node ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_useparser.scm)

(first_word_in_sentence syl)
returns POS-tag of first word of the sentence SYL is in ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_ling_preproc.scm) ``() returns POS-tag of first word of the sentence SYL is in ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_tobi_rules.scm)

(Focus utt)
assigns feature 'focus to verbs and noun chunks following focus particles nur, auch and sogar ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_ling_preproc.scm)

(german_accent syl)
returns german tobi accent, assuming that there is no more than one accent and one endtone per syllable ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_tobi_rules.scm)

(german_endtone syl)
returns german tobi endtone, assuming that there is no more than one accent and one endtone per syllable ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_tobi_rules.scm)

(german_end_ged word)
returns gedankenstrich at end of related Token if WORD is last word in Token. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_phrasify.scm)

(german_end_punc word)
returns punctuation at end of related Token if WORD is last word in Token. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_phrasify.scm)

(german_fetch_currency token name)
returns the currency of the money-unit following NAME: If it is an abbreviation stored in ger_abbr_currency_tab ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_token_to_words_tools.scm)

(german_fetch_currency2 name)
returns the currency of the money-unit following NAME: If it is an abbreviation stored in ger_abbr_currency_tab ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_token_to_words_tools.scm)

(german_fill_tokenrelation utt token wordlist)
adds the words from WORDLIST as item to the Word relation of utterance UTT, relating the new Word to the Token TOKEN ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_token.scm)

GERMAN_LINGINTO adds linguistic pre-processing for a better accent prediction to a basevoice ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_voices.scm)

adds linguistic pre-processing for a better accent prediction to a particular basevoice ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_voices.scm)

(german_numbers_to_words token name)
this function deals (hopefully) with tokens beginning with a number. It returns a list of words. (blocks of three, compositions of digits and letters, years, dates, clock time, numbers with comma, numbers with period, ordinal numbers, cardinals with leading zeros, numbers in blocks of three with periods, no currencies.) ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_token_to_words.scm)

(german_parse_1char name)
Returns a string containing the german word for the single char NAME e.g. (german_parse_1char ``:``) ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_token_to_words_tools.scm)

(german_parse_charlist name)
returns a list of words with the spoken sequence of chars ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_token_to_words_tools.scm)

(german_parse_fractal numberstring)
returns the number NUMBERSTRING as a german fractal, example (german_parse_fractal 123) -> (ein hundert drei und zwanzigstel) ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_token_to_words_tools.scm)

(german_parse_ordinal numberstring suffix)
Returns a list of strings containing the german words for the stellenzahl NUMBERSTRING (german_parse_ordinal 21) -> (ein und zwanzigste) it uses german ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_token_to_words_tools.scm)

(german_postlex utt)
applies some German postlexical rules on the utterance UTT. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_postlex.scm)

(german_postlex_old utt)
(german_postlex UTT) applys some postlexical rules on the utterance UTT. It maps Celex Sampa transcription to german festival phoneset. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_postlex.scm)

(german_token_to_words token name)
is the german version of the token-to-word-rules and handles abbreviations from the Duden and numeral expressions such as phone numbers, ratios, dates, currencies, compounds of letters and digits, roman numbers, lines, scale units. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_token_to_words.scm)

(ger_abbr_getkeys tab)
returns a list of all keys in the assoc-list TAB ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_token_to_words_tools.scm)

(ger_abbr_getvals tab)
returns a list of all values in the assoc-list TAB ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_token_to_words_tools.scm)

(ger_abbr_lookup abbr tab)
looks up an ABBR in a assoc-list TAB. for bigger tabs we should use hash-tables ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_token_to_words_tools.scm)

(ger_check_for_abbr token name)
checks heuristicaly if TOK is an abbreviation. It returns the expanded form if so, nil else. additionally it sets the token_pos-feature to 'abbr' for later modules ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_token_to_words_tools.scm)

(ger_find_month_from_number token string-number)
Find the textual representation of the month from the given string number ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_token_to_words_tools.scm)

(ger_lookup_comb_abbr name)
split and lookup combined abbr. like Vers.-Vert.-Vers. recursively ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_token_to_words_tools.scm)

(ger_token_pos_guess sc)
Returns a general pos for SC's name. numeric (All digits), number (float or comma'd numeric), sym (Contains at least one non alphanumeric), month (has month name (or abbrev)), day (has day name (or abbrev)), sos (is a start of sentence), rootname (else downcased alphabetic). Note this can be used to find token_pos but isn't used directly as its not disciminatory enough. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_tokenpos.scm)

(ger_tok_koenig sc)
Returns 1 if King like title is within 3 tokens before or 2 after. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_token_to_words_tools.scm)

(ger_tok_koenigin sc)
Returns 1 if Koenigin like title is within 3 tokens before or 2 after. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_token_to_words_tools.scm)

(ger_tok_koenigin_names sc)
Returns 1 if one token before is a Koenigin-like name. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_token_to_words_tools.scm)

(ger_tok_koenig_names sc)
Returns 1 if one token before is a King-like name. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_token_to_words_tools.scm)

(ger_tok_roman_to_numstring roman)
Takes a string of roman numerals and converts it to a number and then returns the printed string of that. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_token_to_words_tools.scm)

(ger_translate_abbr token name)
expands an abbreviation according to the several abbreviation tabs and throws away eventually existing '.' ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_token_to_words_tools.scm)

(get_adj_art word np)
searches for adjectives, adverbs modifying the adjectives and articles to the left of WORD and links them to NP for each lexical item that is linked to NP except for articles, the weight feature of NP is increased by 1 ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_ling_preproc.scm)

(get_following_nouns word np)
searches for following nouns to the right of WORD, links them to NP and delinks them from their former parent node in 'NP. This parent node is deleted. For each noun that is linked to NP, the weight feature of NP is increased by 1. The name feature of NP is replaced by the name feature of the added WORD ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_ling_preproc.scm)

(get_frequency time rel_frequency)
given relative frequency of target and absolute target time, this function gets the absolute frequency value of the target ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_tobi_rules.scm)

(get_intermediate_phrases utt)
No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_skconcepts.scm)

(get_target_time voicing rel_time)
given relative time for target and voicing time, this function gets the absolute time of the target ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_tobi_rules.scm)

(get_tone syl)
yields the break type of syllable syl, 'none' if none ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_useparser.scm)

(get_voicing_duration syl seg)
adds up duration of voiced segments in syl, starting from seg; this function is called by (get_voicing_time SYL) ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_tobi_rules.scm)

(get_voicing_time syl)
returns starttime and duration of voiced segments of a given syllable ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_tobi_rules.scm)

(Glottalstop_after_Prefix utt)
Adds a glottal stop between certain prefixes (ent-,um-,aus-,dis-,un-,mis-, ver-,in-,ge-,co-,be-,ab-) and syllable beginning with a vowel. Should actually work on morphemes. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_postlex.scm)

(Glottalstop_before_Vowel utt)
Adds a glottal stop before a word beginning with a vowel. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_postlex.scm)

(hack_for_verbal_complex utt)
move default accents on verb to first element in verbal complex ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_skconcepts.scm)

(head_of_NP word)
returns 1, if word is the only word or the penultimate word in last (nominal) token of NP, 0 else ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_ling_preproc.scm)

Set up the German pre-processing tool. Use it like a voice... ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_preproc.scm)

(init_np utt)
this function checks all items in 'Word and introduces an item in the 'NP relation if their POS feature is NN, NE, PDS, PIS, PPER, PRF or TRUNC ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_ling_preproc.scm)

Init the German Treetagger ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_POS.scm)

(insert_breaks utt)
inserts major breaks (BB) after VPs and at sentence ends and minor breaks (B) before PPs. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_skconcepts.scm)

(insert_glottal_stop_after seg)
insert a glottal stop after this segment. Its length is controlled by the variable 'glottal_stop_length'. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_postlex.scm) ``insert a glottal stop after this segment. Its length is controlled by the variable 'glottal_stop_length'. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_postlex.scm)

(Intonation_Smartkom utt)
No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_skconcepts.scm)

Synthesize an introduction to the Festival Speech Synthesis System in German. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german.scm) ``() Synthesize an introduction to the Festival Speech Synthesis System in German. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_att.scm) ``(intro-german) Synthesize an introduction to the Festival Speech Synthesis System in German. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_opensource.scm)

Synthesize an introduction to the Festival Speech Synthesis System in Schwaebisch/Badensisch. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german.scm)

(item.daughter_in_relation i rel_name)
returns the daughter of i, which is in relation rel_name, nil if there isn't any. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_siodfuncs.scm)

(join_affricates seg)
joins fricatives p f -> pf in segment relation. (It uses ``affricate_join_tab''.) ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_postlex.scm)

Set up language parameters for German. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german.scm) ``() Set up language parameters for German. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_att.scm) ``(language_german) Set up language parameters for German. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_opensource.scm)

(last_cart_node syl)
just for carts ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_useparser.scm)

(last_NN_in_phrase word)
returns ``1``, if there's no following NN within this phrase, ``0`` else ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_tobi_rules.scm)

(last_NN_in_tphrase word)
returns ``1``, if there's no following NN within this intonation phrase (-,%), ``0`` else ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_useparser.scm)

(last_node node)
t if NODE has no next node ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_useparser.scm)

(last_NP_in_phrase syl)
returns 1, if SYL is in last NP in phrase, 0 else ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_ling_preproc.scm)

(last_NP_in_phrase_h word)
used in (last_NP_in_phrase syl) ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_ling_preproc.scm)

(last_syl_in_word syl)
returns ``1``, if syllable is word final ``0`` else ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_ling_preproc.scm) ``() returns 1, if syllable is word final 0 else ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_tobi_rules.scm)

(last_word_in_sentence word)
on WORD, 1 if WORD has a period or the like ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_useparser.scm)

(last_word_in_token word)
returns 1 if word is last word in corresponding token ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_phrasify.scm)

(last_word_in_tphrase word)
WORD ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_useparser.scm)

(last_word_in_utt word)
returns 1 if WORD is last word in utterance, 0 else ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_ling_preproc.scm)

(left_projection_line node)
No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_skconcepts.scm)

(lengthen_at_boundaries factor1 factor2 utt)
lengthen intonation phrase-final syllables by factor FACTOR1, intermediate phrase-final syllables by factor FACTOR2 ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_skconcepts.scm)

(Ling_Preprocessing utt)
introduce linguistic features to be used in Phrasing and Intonation. Calls Find_NPs, Enumerations, Vorfeld, Focus. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_ling_preproc.scm)

(list->string l)
Converts the list ``l'' into a string by using ``string-append''. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_siodfuncs.scm)

(list->symbol l)
returns the symbol derived from the concatenation of the printnames of the members of L ($ \rightarrow $ ims_siodfuncs.scm)

(lister n)
Returns a list from n-1 downto 0. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_siodfuncs.scm)

(lopar_POS syl)
returns the part-of-speech tag given by lopar (in its current training version and lexicon) ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_useparser.scm)

(lopar_prob token)
returns the probability given by lopar (in its current training version and lexicon) ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_useparser.scm)

(map_all_postags utt tag_map)
Maps the POS tags using the map 'tag_map' changes the `pos'-feature appropriately. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_POS.scm)

(map_pos_bomp_ustts entry)
(map_postag_bomp_stts entry post_hook for lexicon: maps pos tag from bomp tagset to (underspec.) stts tagset ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_POS.scm)

(map_pos_celex_ustts entry)
(map_postag_bomp_stts entry post_hook for lexicon: maps pos tag from celex tagset to (underspec.) stts tagset ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_POS.scm)

(map_R_to_aschwa utt)
maps R at end of syllables to a_schwa modifications of segments by this function are not visible in the Syllable relation: name of syllable remains unchanged ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_postlex.scm)

(marks-read-from-string str)
returns the words in str as a list of symbols. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_siodfuncs.scm)

(marks-string-to-list str)
Converts a string containing less than 1000 characters into a list. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_siodfuncs.scm)

(marks-substring str start end)
destructive! Returns the substring of str beginning with position start and ending with position end of str. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_siodfuncs.scm)

(mbrola_map_phone name)
map some phones (like glottal stops) may from the internal festival representation to MBROLA phones. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_opensource.scm)

(move_accent_to_left word)
move default accent on verbs to leftmost adjacent verb temporary function!!! ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_skconcepts.scm)

(next_break syl)
return category of next break (B or BB) ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_ling_preproc.scm)

(next_ending_synt_cats syl)
see ending_synt_cats ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_useparser.scm)

(next_endtone syl)
returns following end tone ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_ling_preproc.scm)

(next_lopar_POS syl)
see lopar_POS ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_useparser.scm)

(next_punctuation syl)
see punctuation ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_useparser.scm)

(next_voiced_segment syl seg)
returns starttime of first voiced segment in syllable, starting from seg; this function is called by (get_voicing_time SYL) ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_tobi_rules.scm)

(No_POS utt)
A pos module that does nothing. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_POS.scm)

(N_follows word)
No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_useparser.scm)

(N_preceded word)
No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_useparser.scm)

(pattern-matches string pattern)
matches string against pattern and returns a list of bindings. { and } shouldn't occur in string or pattern! It only finds the longest match of regex! Regular expression must be put in {}-parantheses. For each expression in {} a Scheme-variable named #1, #2 ... is generated and the part of string that matches this expression is bound to this variable (similar to patternmatching in PERL). If match succeeds pattern-matches returns t, nil otherwise. Example: (string-match2 ``123.234`` ``{[0-9]+}.{[0-9]+}``) returns t and the variable-bindings (set-symbol-value! #1 123) and (set-symbol-value! #2 234). string-match2 should be used with caution!: all! Variables named #1, #2 ... will be overwritten! ($ \rightarrow $ ims_patternmatch.scm)

(Phrasify_German utt)
No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_phrasify.scm)

(Phrasify_Smartkom utt)
No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_skconcepts.scm)

(position x list start)
returns the first position where x occurs in list. Starting at position start. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_siodfuncs.scm)

(pos_after_next_break syl)
returns POS-tag of first word after the next break following SYL ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_tobi_rules.scm)

(POS_German utt)
uses the German treetagger. If the parameter 'pos_tagset' is set to 'celex the tags are mapped to the simpler Celex tags. Else the tagset is the STTS tagset. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_POS.scm)

(pos_in_NP token)
returns nubmer of tokens following this token within NP (including token), 0 if token is not in an NP at all ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_ling_preproc.scm)

(pos_in_token word)
returns number of words following this word within token (including word) ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_ling_preproc.scm)

(preceding_verbs syl)
returns number of immediately preceding verbs to preceding punctuation, possibly including particle ZU ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_ling_preproc.scm)

(prevent_unknown_diphones seg)
Between all diphone-combinations that are defined in unknown_diphones_tab as well as duplicated phones, we will insert a glottal stop. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_postlex.scm)

(printutt utt)
prints the Structure of Utterance utt ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_debugtools.scm)

(print_tree_Clig baum filename)
(prnint_tree_Clig baum filename) prints tree (baum) in Clig format ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_debugtools.scm)

(prunetree baum tiefe prune)
If ``tiefe'' (>) ``prune'' then ``name'' is set on ``newsubtree'' and appended to ``namelist''. The value of ``name'' is set on ``(prunetree baum 0 prune)'' and a list of lists containing ``name'' is created. If the rest of the tree is empty, the tree itself is returned. Else, the first element of the tree is appended to a list which is created by a recursive call to ``prunetree''. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_debugtools.scm)

(punctuation syl)
returns the punctuation associated to Word of SYLlable ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_useparser.scm)

redefine UttTypes to include new modules when synthesizing an utterance. This can be reversed by the function (reset_UttTypes) ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german.scm) ``() redefine UttTypes to include new modules when synthesizing an utterance. This can be reversed by the function (reset_UttTypes) ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_att.scm)

No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german.scm)

(removerec item list)
(Non-destructively) remove recursively ITEM from LIST. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_siodfuncs.scm)

(remove_last liste)
No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_token_to_words_tools.scm)

No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_patternmatch.scm)

this is to reset UttType definitions to system default. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german.scm) ``() this is to reset UttType definitions to system default. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_att.scm)

(rest x)
Returns ``x'' without the first element. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_siodfuncs.scm)

(right_projection_line node)
No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_skconcepts.scm)

(r_print_tree_Clig baum)
No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_debugtools.scm)

(r_print_tree_html baum)
No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_debugtools.scm)

(same_sentence word1 word2)
returns 1 if word1 and word2 are in the same sentence, 0 else (word1 precedes word2) ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_ling_preproc.scm)

(sampa2germansampa seg)
translates Celex SAMPA to german SAMPA (with the help of ``sampa2germansampa_tab'') ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_postlex.scm)

Addenda entries annotated with ustts-tags ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_lexicons.scm)

(save_segments_mbrola utt filename)
Save segment information in MBROLA format in filename. The format is phone duration (ms) [% position F0 target]*. [see MBROLA] ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_opensource.scm)

(SayConcept text)
(SayConcept STRING) a string representing a concept as defined in the Smartkom schema definition (concept.xsd) is rendered as speech. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_skconcepts.scm)

(SayConceptFile filename)
(SayConcept FILENAME) The contents of a file representing a concept as defined in the Smartkom schema definition (concept.xsd) is rendered as speech. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_skconcepts.scm)

(scheme2clig tree depth subdir)
The CART-tree TREE is splitted into a subtree with the depth DEPTH and written in files in the subdirectory SUBDIR in Clig-format. This function defines and uses the functions ``prunetree'', ``newsubtree'' and ``print_tree_Clig'' ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_debugtools.scm)

(second x)
Returns the second element from ``x''. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_siodfuncs.scm)

(select_language language)
No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german.scm) No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_att.scm) No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_opensource.scm)

(sep_string name sep sepword)
seperates the string NAME at SEP into a list of 2 words seperated by sepword ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_token_to_words_tools.scm)

No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_lexicons.scm)

No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_lexicons.scm)

sets int_tone_cart_tree to useparser_int_tone_cart_tree, accents likewise, and uses Antje's target calculation ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_useparser.scm)

Set up parameters for current voice to use the implementaion of ToBI labels to F0 targets by rule. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_tobi_rules.scm)

(smaller_prob_after word prob)
No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_useparser.scm)

(smaller_prob_before word prob)
No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_useparser.scm)

(smallest_prob_in_tphrase word)
on WORD, looks at lopar parser probability whithin tobi phrase ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_useparser.scm)

(splice_string name sep)
kicks out SEP and splices the rest of NAME. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_token_to_words_tools.scm)

(split_string name sep)
seperates the string NAME at SEP into a list of 2 words ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_token_to_words_tools.scm)

(strcar str)
returns the first word from the string str with the help of ``read-from-string'' ($ \rightarrow $ ims_siodfuncs.scm)

(strcdr str)
returns all but the first word from the string str. The first word is determined with the help of ``read-from-string''. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_siodfuncs.scm)

(string->list s)
Converts the string ``s'' into a list by using ``symbolexplode''. Each character in ``s'' becomes an atom in this list. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_siodfuncs.scm)

(string-cadr s)
Returns the second character from the string ``s''. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_siodfuncs.scm)

(string-car s)
Returns the first character of the string ``s'' as a string. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_siodfuncs.scm)

(string-cdddr s)
Returns all characters from the string ``s'' besides the first three characters. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_siodfuncs.scm)

(string-cddr s)
Returns all characters from the string ``s'' besides the first two characters. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_siodfuncs.scm)

(string-cdr s)
Returns all characters from the string ``s'' besides the first. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_siodfuncs.scm)

(string-match3 string pattern)
No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_patternmatch.scm)

(string-replace str a b)
replace in string STR the substring A by B ($ \rightarrow $ ims_siodfuncs.scm)

(sublis l exp)
e.g. (sublis '((a . b)) exp) returns exp where all a's are substituted with b's ($ \rightarrow $ ims_siodfuncs.scm)

(subseq liste start end)
returns the subsequence of liste from position start to end ($ \rightarrow $ ims_siodfuncs.scm)

(syl_with_next_break syl)
return first syl in word with next break ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_tobi_rules.scm)

(symbol->list s)
Converts the symbol ``s'' into a list by using ``symbolexplode''. Each character in ``s'' becomes an atom in this list. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_siodfuncs.scm)

(symbol->string s)
Converts the symbol ``s'' into a string by using ``string-append''. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_siodfuncs.scm)

(target_set_to_values syl targetlist)
takes a list of relative targets for a syllable and returns a list of absolute (time/frequency)-values ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_tobi_rules.scm)

(target_to_value syl targets voicing pvoicing nvoicing)
gets actual targets for a list of target triples (TARGETS), each triple consisting in a letter (P for previous syllable, A for actual syllable, N for next); voicing start and duration for actual, previous and next syllable are given in VOICING, PVOICING, NVOICING, respectively ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_tobi_rules.scm)

(test_show text)
synthesizes TEXT and prints the output on the monitor. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_debugtools.scm)

(third x)
Returns the third element from ``x''. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_siodfuncs.scm)

(time_test teststr xtimes filename)
Tests how long it takes to synthesize the string TESTSTR XTIMES times and writes the results to the file FILENAME. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_debugtools.scm)

(tobi_f0_targets utt syl)
returns a list of time/f0-values for a given syllable ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_tobi_rules.scm)

(tobi_tone_prespecified utt)
No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_phrasify.scm)

(token_end token)
No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_skconcepts.scm)

(Token_German utt)
German version of Token ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_token.scm)

(token_is_deictic token)
No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_skconcepts.scm)

(token_start token)
No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_skconcepts.scm)

(tphrase_has_N word)
on WORD, looks within Intonation tobiphrase ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_useparser.scm)

(trace_wagon item tree)
returns ITEM's path through TREE (CART) ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_debugtools.scm)

(transform_ich-ach seg)
transforms Ich-Phoneme (C) in Ach-Phoneme (x) in segment relation with the help of the ``ich_ach_tab'' (because Celex dosen't destinguish between x and C). ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_postlex.scm)

(transform_schwa seg)
Deals with words containing a ``Schwa'' with the help of ``schwa_tab'' (like in 'der', 'wert') ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_postlex.scm)

(translate_items relation1 relation2 utt)
return relation1's items as items of relation2 (AS) ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_skconcepts.scm)

(trunc number)
returns the integer-part of number. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_siodfuncs.scm)

(ttt_get_current_baseline v)
Returns the current declined baseline at time v. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_tobi_rules.scm)

(ttt_get_current_topline v)
Returns the current declined topline at time v. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_tobi_rules.scm)

(type_of_following_tone word)
No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_skconcepts.scm)

(url->list url)
Converts the string URL (e.g. ```` or `` ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_token_to_words_tools.scm)

(url->list_german url)
Calls url->list and inserts 'ät', 'Doppelpunkt' etc. That is, it converts the string URL (e.g. ```` or `` ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_token_to_words_tools.scm)

(utt.save_for_fringe utt basename)
Save utterance in basenname.utt, f0 in basenname.f0, and waveform in basenname.wav. Timing for intonation events is added. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_debugtools.scm)

(utt.synth utt)
No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_debugtools.scm)

(verb_status syl)
returns status information on associated word: -1 if word is no verb 0 if word is a finite verb or imperative 1 if word is a bare infinitive 2 if word is an infinitive with zu 3 if word is a participle 4 if word is some other verb form ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_ling_preproc.scm)

Set up a basic female German voice with MBROLA database de1. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_voices.scm) ``() Set up a basic female German voice with MBROLA database de1. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_voices_att.scm)

No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_voices.scm)

Set up a basic female German voice with MBROLA database de1. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_voices_opensource.scm)

Set up a basic male German voice with MBROLA database de2. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_voices.scm) ``() Set up a basic male German voice with MBROLA database de2. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_voices_att.scm)

No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_voices.scm) No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_voices_att.scm)

No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_voices.scm)

Set up a basic male German voice with MBROLA database de2. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_voices_opensource.scm)

Set up the current voice to be the male German MBROLA voice de2. Uses Helmut Schmid's lopar parser via the 'spanc' Daemon to predict phrase breaks and accents based on syntax. (Author: Bettina Saeuberlich (interface), Martin Haase (intonation) ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_voices.scm)

Set up a basic female German voice with MBROLA database de3. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_voices.scm) ``() Set up a basic female German voice with MBROLA database de3. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_voices_att.scm)

No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_voices.scm)

Set up a basic female German voice with MBROLA database de3. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_voices_opensource.scm)

No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_voices.scm) No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_voices_att.scm)

No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_voices.scm) No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_voices_att.scm)

No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_voices.scm) No documentation available. ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_voices_att.scm)

(Vorfeld utt)
assigns feature 'top: Vorfeld for all words preceding the finite verb in a sentence; Vorfeld_Ende for the last one among them ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_ling_preproc.scm)

(words_as_tokens utt)
returns items of relation 'Word as items of relation 'Token this is obsolete, because now it could be done via (translate_items 'Word 'Token utt) ($ \rightarrow $ ims_german_skconcepts.scm)

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Gregor Moehler